We can work with you to meet your objectives.
On-Going Claims Review
Commit to agile on-going fiduciary diligence through building payment integrity into your plan’s governance
Quarterly claims data analysis and report
Facilitate/Document request for service provicder language
Review SPD language
Assist with claims data request
Itemized review of top high-dollar claims
One-Time Historical Lookback
Understand your plan’s past performance for a clear picture of how gags have affected claims processing
Facilitate/Document request for service provicder language
Review SPD language
Assist with claims data request
Historical claims data analysis and report
Itemized review of top high-dollar claims
Overpayment Recovery
Get the highest return on your investment into health plan asset management​. Must be done in conjunction with either a Historical Lookback or Quarterly Claims Review
Let's Discuss
Fill out our intake form to get a call scheduled to discuss what is the best solution for your plan